Thursday, March 3, 2011

I have an interview!

At first I had no idea how my having an interview bettered librarianship as a whole, but then I realized it does.  Because it means there's hope!

I know there are a lot of you out there struggling.  Until a few hours of ago, I was completely despondent myself.  It can often feel like you're submitting resumes and cover letters to a black hole.  Sometimes you don't even get a response that the resume was received.  You're just left in the dark and that's when you start thinking.

You start filling in the blanks, and wondering where you went wrong and how you could do things better.  You start panicking that maybe you'll never a get a job and you'll lose everything. You think it's your fault.

Well, knock it off!  You probably are doing everything that you can.  It's just really tough out there right now.  When you have 100 applicants going for the same job, it's no wonder you didn't get called for an interview.

So, don't give up.  Keep trying.  Keep applying.  Keep reading and doing everything you can to improve as a person and a librarian.  Oh, and wish me luck!


  1. Thanks Diane. Let me know if you can think of anything else I should add!


Lead to the Normal

We need to normalize mistakes and bad hair days. Not knowing the answer to questions even though we are library workers. We need to normal...